Health and Diet

Health and Diet

“Health is a treasure. Of all temporal possessions it is the most precious.”

Counsels on Diet and Foods

Are you struggling with your health? Do you sometimes feel like a prisoner trapped in your own body? Are you frustrated by daily aches and pains, by shortness of breath, by not being able to go hiking or swimming or have super soaker fights with your kids?

If this describes you, then please know that you are not alone. In the US, more than 40% of people struggle with obesity. 47% have high blood pressure. Almost 40% have high cholesterol, and more than 11% of Americans suffer from type II diabetes. 

At least 4 of the top 8 causes of death in America are chronic diseases: 1) heart disease, 2) cancer, 5) stroke, and 8) diabetes.

What is essential for you to know is that you don’t have to feel this way. Your health is ultimately under your control, and you can change. Many studies have shown that the decisions we make every day about our diet and lifestyle have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing and even on how long we live. For instance, people who adopt a plant-based whole foods diet not only live about 11 years longer than their counterparts, but they also have significantly lower rates of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Even people who already suffer from severe heart disease can sometimes reverse their condition in as little as 12 months after starting a plant-based whole foods diet.

Regular exercise can also help you to feel better in your body. According to the CDC, “Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.” Regular exercise can reduce aches and pains and enable you to feel better in your own skin. 

Exercising for 150 minutes per week–which could include things like dancing and yard work or even a brisk walk around the block–have been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and developing type 2 diabetes.

If you are interested in learning how to live a healthier life, we would like to invite you to one of our upcoming live events. Please click on the link for more information or to register.

Health symposium by Dr. Tim Arnott, Sunday Aug 27 at 4:00pm

Plant based cooking school by Dr. Sharmini Long, Janet Appudory, Sylvia Arnott, Jena Arnott starting Aug 27 at 5:00 pm

Your health is the greatest treasure that you can possess, and we would be honored to help you reclaim it.

This community service is provided by the Franktown Seventh-Day Adventist Church.